
Collaboration diagram for MFHendersonsMethod:


class  MFContinuationMethod
 A continuation algorithm for computing a manifold. This is a base class which is passed to the Compute and Extend Atlas routines in MFAtlas. It provides the routine that these routines actually call. In addtion each method will have it's own parameters that control the algorith. More...


MFContinuationMethod MFCreateHendersonsMethod (MFErrorHandler e)
 Creates the continuation algorithm in Henderson 2001.
void MFFreeHendersonsMethod (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, MFErrorHandler e)
 Removes a reference to an algorithm, and deletes it if the reference count goes to zero.
void MFHendersonSetFilename (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, char *name, MFErrorHandler e)
 When the atlas computed with this algorithm is close the atlas is written to the file name.atlas.
char * MFHendersonGetFilename (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, MFErrorHandler e)
 Queries the file name to which the atlas is saved when the atlas is closed (name.atlas).
void MFHendersonAddClipF (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, double(*side)(MFNVector, MFErrorHandler), MFErrorHandler e)
 Add a clipping plane to the computed atlas. This serves as a way to clean up plots. The chart polyhedra are clipped against the function "side". Linear interpolation is used on the value of "side" at the vertices, and the positive part is kept.
void MFHendersonClearClipF (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, MFErrorHandler e)
 Removes all clipping planes.
void MFHendersonCloseAtlas (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, MFAtlas A, MFErrorHandler e)
 Closes an atlas. The algorithm finishes all output, like paging, and closes all of the output files.
void MFHendersonFlushAtlas (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, MFAtlas A, MFErrorHandler e)
 Flush an atlas. The algorithm finishes up writing to files, but does not close them.
int MFHendersonSetIntegerParameter (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, char *parameterName, int value, MFErrorHandler e)
 Allows the user to set integer parameters.
int MFHendersonSetRealParameter (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, char *parameterName, double value, MFErrorHandler e)
 Allows the user to set real valued parameters.
int MFHendersonGetIntegerParameter (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, char *parameterName, MFErrorHandler e)
 Allows the user to set integer parameters. These are usually read from a file. Instead, default values are used when the Henderson is created, and the user may change them.
double MFHendersonGetRealParameter (MFContinuationMethod algorithm, char *parameterName, MFErrorHandler e)
 Allows the user to set real valued parameters. These are usually read from a file. Instead, default values are used when the Henderson is created, and the user may change them.

Function Documentation

MFContinuationMethod MFCreateHendersonsMethod MFErrorHandler  e  ) 

Creates the continuation algorithm in Henderson 2001.

e A place to return errors.
A new algorithm.

void MFFreeHendersonsMethod MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
MFErrorHandler  e

Removes a reference to an algorithm, and deletes it if the reference count goes to zero.

algorithm The Algorithm.
e A place to return errors.

void MFHendersonAddClipF MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
double(*)(MFNVector, MFErrorHandler side,
MFErrorHandler  e

Add a clipping plane to the computed atlas. This serves as a way to clean up plots. The chart polyhedra are clipped against the function "side". Linear interpolation is used on the value of "side" at the vertices, and the positive part is kept.

algorithm The Algorithm.
side A function giving the distance from the clipping surface.
e A place to return errors.

void MFHendersonClearClipF MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
MFErrorHandler  e

Removes all clipping planes.

algorithm The Algorithm.
e A place to return errors.

void MFHendersonCloseAtlas MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
MFAtlas  A,
MFErrorHandler  e

Closes an atlas. The algorithm finishes all output, like paging, and closes all of the output files.

algorithm The Algorithm.
A The Atlas.
e A place to return errors.

void MFHendersonFlushAtlas MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
MFAtlas  A,
MFErrorHandler  e

Flush an atlas. The algorithm finishes up writing to files, but does not close them.

algorithm The Algorithm.
A The Atlas.
e A place to return errors.

char * MFHendersonGetFilename MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
MFErrorHandler  e

Queries the file name to which the atlas is saved when the atlas is closed (name.atlas).

algorithm The Algorithm.
e A place to return errors.
The name for the atlas file saved when the atlas is closed.

int MFHendersonGetIntegerParameter MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
char *  parameterName,
MFErrorHandler  e

Allows the user to set integer parameters. These are usually read from a file. Instead, default values are used when the Henderson is created, and the user may change them.

Legal integer parameter names.

  • verbose 1 if output wanted, 0 OW
  • maxCharts The maximum number of charts to add.
  • page Whether or not to page interior charts.
  • pageEvery The interval (number of charts) between checks for paging.
  • useBB 1 if bounding boxes are to be used.
  • dumpToPlotFile 1 if a plotfile, containing the chart polygons is wanted.
  • dumpToCenterFile 1 is a centerfile, with the centers of the charts, is wanted
  • dumpToRestartFile 1 is a restart file is wanted.
  • dumpToRestartFileEvery The interval (number of charts) at which a restart file is written.
  • checkPoint 1 is a checkpoint file is wanted.
  • checkPointEvery The interval (number of charts) at which a checkpoint file is written.
  • branchSwitch 1 if the algorithm is to branch switch, 0 OW.

algorithm A Henderson continuation method.
parameterName Which parameter value to retreive. A warning is issued if the parameter name does not match a parameter.
e A place to return errors.
The current value of the parameter.

double MFHendersonGetRealParameter MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
char *  parameterName,
MFErrorHandler  e

Allows the user to set real valued parameters. These are usually read from a file. Instead, default values are used when the Henderson is created, and the user may change them.

Legal real parameter names.

  • minR The smallest chart radius to allow before giving up.
  • maxR The largest chart radius to allow.
  • epsilon The maximum distance allowed between the tangent space and manifold. (controls stepsize, MFErrorHandler e);
  • dotmin The smallest dot product allowed between adjacent tangent spaces (controls stepsize). A value of 1 means that the tangent spaces must be parallel.

algorithm The Algorithm.
parameterName Which parameter value to retreive. A warning is issued if the parameter name does not match a parameter.
e A place to return errors.
The current value of the parameter.

void MFHendersonSetFilename MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
char *  name,
MFErrorHandler  e

When the atlas computed with this algorithm is close the atlas is written to the file name.atlas.

algorithm The Algorithm.
name The name for the atlas file saved when the atlas is closed.
e A place to return errors.

int MFHendersonSetIntegerParameter MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
char *  parameterName,
int  value,
MFErrorHandler  e

Allows the user to set integer parameters.

Legal integer parameter names and their default values.

  • verbose default: 0
  • maxCharts default: 1
  • page default: 1
  • pageEvery default: 1000
  • useBB default: 1
  • dumpToPlotFile default: 1
  • dumpToCenterFile default: 1
  • dumpToRestartFile default: 1
  • dumpToRestartFileEvery default: 100
  • checkPoint default: 0
  • checkPointEvery default: 100
  • branchSwitch default: 1

algorithm The Algorithm.
parameterName Which parameter to set.
value The new value.
e A place to return errors.
FALSE if the parameter name does not match a parameter.

int MFHendersonSetRealParameter MFContinuationMethod  algorithm,
char *  parameterName,
double  value,
MFErrorHandler  e

Allows the user to set real valued parameters.

Legal real parameter names and their default values.

  • minR default: 0.01
  • maxR default: 1.
  • epsilon default: 1.e-7
  • dotmin default: 0.2

algorithm The Algorithm.
parameterName Which parameter to set.
value The new value.
e A place to return errors.
FALSE if the parameter name does not match a parameter.

Generated on Tue Jan 30 13:39:17 2007 for multifario by  doxygen 1.4.6