multifario Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
IMFComputeInvariantManifoldA group of routines to compute invariant manifolds
IMFExpansionA chart, which represents a neighborhood on a manifold
IMFExpansionNSpaceAn MFNSpace defining operations on a point on a fat trajectory
IMFExpansionNVectorAn MFNVector type for points on a fat trajectory
IMFFatTrajectoryA fat trajectory is a trajectory in a flow with a local expansion attached that also evolves
IMFFixedPointA group of utilities for computing stable and unstable manifolds of a hyperbolic fixed point
IMFFlowA flow is a way of defining a continuous dynamical system. It gives the time derivative of the state as a function of the state. If the flow depends on time it is call non-autonomous. An IMFFlow represents an autonomous flow, which is independant of time
IMFInterpolationThe routine which locates an interpolation point for a new fat trajectory
IMFSphereOnExpansionA manifold which is the intersection of a ball about a point and an expansion about the same point. This manifold is used as a manifold of initial conditions for computing stable and unstable manifolds of hyperbolic fixed points
MFAtlasAn atlas (or list) of charts, which represents a manifold
MFAUTOBVA solution manifold of a boundary value problem posed in AUTO's representation
MFAUTOTPBVPA boundary value problem posed in AUTO's representation
MFBinaryTreeA set of hierarchical bounding boxes for storing spherical balls
MFChartA chart, which represents a neighborhood on a manifold
MFContinuationMethodA continuation algorithm for computing a manifold. This is a base class which is passed to the Compute and Extend Atlas routines in MFAtlas. It provides the routine that these routines actually call. In addtion each method will have it's own parameters that control the algorith
MFErrorHandlerAn error handler, which can be changed how errors are handled
MFImplicitMFA manifold, defined by an equation F(u)=0
MFKVectorA euclidean vector with that same dimension as a manifold
MFListOFChartsLike it says, a list of charts. A return type for the binary tree search operation
MFNKMatrixAn n by k matrix, mainly used to store a basis for the tangent space of a k-dimensional manifold embedded in an n- dimensional space
MFNRegionA subset of N-space
MFNSpaceAn embedding space (a metric space), which provides inner products and distances
MFNVectorA vector that lies in the embedding space of a matrix
MFPolytopeA polytope, which represents a neighborhood on a manifold

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