
Collaboration diagram for IMFComputeInvariantManifold:




class  IMFComputeInvariantManifold
 A group of routines to compute invariant manifolds. More...


MFAtlas IMFComputeStableInvariantManifold (IMFFlow F, char *name, MFNVector u0, MFKVector p0, MFNRegion Omega, double eps, double dt, double tmax, int maxInterp, int maxCharts, double R0, MFErrorHandler e)
 Computes an atlas of charts that cover the stable manifold of a hyerbolic fixed point.
MFAtlas IMFComputeUnstableInvariantManifold (IMFFlow F, char *name, MFNVector u0, MFKVector p0, MFNRegion Omega, double eps, double dt, double tmax, int maxInterp, int maxCharts, double R0, MFErrorHandler e)
 Computes an atlas of charts that cover the unstable manifold of a hyerbolic fixed point.
MFAtlas IMFComputeInvariantManifold (IMFFlow F, MFKVector p0, char *name, MFAtlas c, MFNRegion Omega, double eps, double dt, double tmax, int maxInterp, int maxCharts, double Rmax, MFErrorHandler e)
 Computes an atlas of charts that cover the image of a manifold under a flow. A streamsurface.

Function Documentation

MFAtlas IMFComputeInvariantManifold IMFFlow  F,
MFKVector  p0,
char *  name,
MFAtlas  c,
MFNRegion  Omega,
double  eps,
double  dt,
double  tmax,
int  maxInterp,
int  maxCharts,
double  Rmax,
MFErrorHandler  e

Computes an atlas of charts that cover the image of a manifold under a flow. A streamsurface.

F The flow.
name A name to used for paging files and so forth.
p0 The parameters of the flow for the fixed point.
c The manifold of initial conditions.
Omega A region to bound the computation.
eps The tolerance on the size of the quadratic terms over a balls. Controls the stepsize.
dt The initial timestep to use along a fat trajectory.
tmax The upper limit on trajectory length.
maxInterp The upper limit on the number of interpolation performed.
maxCharts The upper limit on the number of charts in the atlas.
Rmax An upper limit to impose on the radius of the balls along the fat trajectories.
e A place to return errors.
A new Atlas

MFAtlas IMFComputeStableInvariantManifold IMFFlow  F,
char *  name,
MFNVector  u0,
MFKVector  p0,
MFNRegion  Omega,
double  eps,
double  dt,
double  tmax,
int  maxInterp,
int  maxCharts,
double  R0,
MFErrorHandler  e

Computes an atlas of charts that cover the stable manifold of a hyerbolic fixed point.

F The flow.
name A name to used for paging files and so forth.
u0 The fixed point.
p0 The parameters of the flow for the fixed point.
Omega A region to bound the computation.
eps The tolerance on the size of the quadratic terms over a balls. Controls the stepsize.
dt The initial timestep to use along a fat trajectory.
tmax The upper limit on trajectory length.
maxInterp The upper limit on the number of interpolation performed.
maxCharts The upper limit on the number of charts in the atlas.
R0 The radius for the initial ball about the fixedpoint that serves as initial surface for the manifold.
e A place to return errors.
A new Atlas

MFAtlas IMFComputeUnstableInvariantManifold IMFFlow  F,
char *  name,
MFNVector  u0,
MFKVector  p0,
MFNRegion  Omega,
double  eps,
double  dt,
double  tmax,
int  maxInterp,
int  maxCharts,
double  R0,
MFErrorHandler  e

Computes an atlas of charts that cover the unstable manifold of a hyerbolic fixed point.

F The flow.
name A name to used for paging files and so forth.
u0 The fixed point.
p0 The parameters of the flow for the fixed point.
Omega A region to bound the computation.
eps The tolerance on the size of the quadratic terms over a balls. Controls the stepsize.
dt The initial timestep to use along a fat trajectory.
tmax The upper limit on trajectory length.
maxInterp The upper limit on the number of interpolation performed.
maxCharts The upper limit on the number of charts in the atlas.
R0 The radius for the initial ball about the fixedpoint that serves as initial surface for the manifold.
e A place to return errors.
A new Atlas

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