
Collaboration diagram for MFLOCANVector:


MFNVector MFCreateLOCANVectorWithData (int nx, double *, int np, double *p, MFErrorHandler e, MFErrorHandler e)
 Creates an implicitly defined manifold for LOCA.
MFNVector MFCreateLOCANVector (int nx, int np, MFErrorHandler e, MFErrorHandler e)
 Creates an implicitly defined manifold for LOCA.

Function Documentation

MFNVector MFCreateLOCANVector int  nx,
int  np,
MFErrorHandler  e,
MFErrorHandler  e

Creates an implicitly defined manifold for LOCA.

nx The number of unknowns.
np The number of parameters.
e A place to return errors.
A new MFNVector.

MFNVector MFCreateLOCANVectorWithData int  nx,
double *  x,
int  np,
double *  p,
MFErrorHandler  e,
MFErrorHandler  e

Creates an implicitly defined manifold for LOCA.

nx The number of unknowns.
x An array of values for the unknowns.
np The number of parameters.
p An array of values for the parameters.
e A place to return errors.
A new MFNVector.

Generated on Tue Jan 30 13:39:51 2007 for multifario by  doxygen 1.4.6