

class  MFErrorHandler
 An error handler, which can be changed how errors are handled. More...


void MFRefErrorHandler (MFErrorHandler e)
 Adds a reference to an Error Handler.
void MFFreeErrorHandler (MFErrorHandler e)
 Frees a reference to a e, and deletes the e if there are no references left.
MFErrorHandler MFCreateErrorHandler ()
 Creates a new error handler.
void MFSetError (MFErrorHandler e, int severity, char *routine, char *message, int line, char *filename)
 Reports an error to an error handler.
int MFGetNErrors (MFErrorHandler e)
 Gets the number of errors that have occuered up to this point.
int MFErrorHandlerGetSev (MFErrorHandler, int)
 Gets the severity of a particular error. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.
char * MFErrorHandlerGetRoutine (MFErrorHandler e, int errorNumber)
 Gets the name of the routine where a particular error occured. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.
char * MFErrorHandlerGetMsg (MFErrorHandler e, int errorNumber)
 Gets the message associated with a particular error. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.
int MFErrorHandlerGetLine (MFErrorHandler e, int errorNumber)
 Gets the line in the source file where a particular error was issued. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.
char * MFErrorHandlerGetFile (MFErrorHandler e, int errorNumber)
 Gets the name of the source file where a particular error was issued. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.
int MFIsError (MFErrorHandler e)
 Returns TRUE (1) if any error has been reported to the error handler.
void MFClearErrors (MFErrorHandler e)
 Clears the list of errors.
void MFErrorHandlerOutOfMemory (MFErrorHandler e)
 A special routine to report to the error handler that no space is available to malloc and it's ilk.

Function Documentation

void MFClearErrors MFErrorHandler  e  ) 

Clears the list of errors.

e The error handler.

MFErrorHandler MFCreateErrorHandler  ) 

Creates a new error handler.

The new error handler.

char * MFErrorHandlerGetFile MFErrorHandler  e,
int  errorNumber

Gets the name of the source file where a particular error was issued. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.

e The error handler.
errorNumber Which error.
The name of the source file.

int MFErrorHandlerGetLine MFErrorHandler  e,
int  errorNumber

Gets the line in the source file where a particular error was issued. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.

e The error handler.
errorNumber Which error.
The line number.

char * MFErrorHandlerGetMsg MFErrorHandler  e,
int  errorNumber

Gets the message associated with a particular error. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.

e The error handler.
errorNumber Which error.
The message.

char * MFErrorHandlerGetRoutine MFErrorHandler  e,
int  errorNumber

Gets the name of the routine where a particular error occured. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.

e The error handler.
errorNumber Which error.
The name of the routine.

int MFErrorHandlerGetSev MFErrorHandler  e,
int  errorNumber

Gets the severity of a particular error. The errorNumber must be between 0 and MFGetNErrors(e)-1.

e The error handler.
errorNumber Which error.
The severity of the error.

void MFErrorHandlerOutOfMemory MFErrorHandler  e  ) 

A special routine to report to the error handler that no space is available to malloc and it's ilk.

e The error handler.

void MFFreeErrorHandler MFErrorHandler  e  ) 

Frees a reference to a e, and deletes the e if there are no references left.

e The error handler being unreferenced.
See also:
ReferenceCounting MFRefErrorHandler

int MFGetNErrors MFErrorHandler  e  ) 

Gets the number of errors that have occuered up to this point.

e The error handler.
The number of errors.

int MFIsError MFErrorHandler  e  ) 

Returns TRUE (1) if any error has been reported to the error handler.

e The error handler.
TRUE if an error has occured.

void MFRefErrorHandler MFErrorHandler  e  ) 

Adds a reference to an Error Handler.

e The e being referenced.
See also:
ReferenceCounting MFFreeErrorHandler

void MFSetError MFErrorHandler  e,
int  severity,
char *  routine,
char *  message,
int  line,
char *  filename

Reports an error to an error handler.

e The error handler.
severity The severity of the error.
routine The routine in which the error occured.
message A message describing the error.
line The line in the source code at which the error was issued (use the __LINE__ macro).
filename The name of the source file in which the error was issued (use the __FILE__ macro).

Generated on Tue Jan 30 13:39:19 2007 for multifario by  doxygen 1.4.6