
Collaboration diagram for MFAlgebraicMF:


MFImplicitMF MFIMFCreateAlgebraicExpressionWithRadius (char *vars, char *expression, double R, MFErrorHandler e)
 Create an algebraic system of nonlinear equations from an expression in a string. This uses the ExpCmp utility which is pert of multifario.
MFImplicitMF MFIMFCreateAlgebraicExpression (char *vars, char *expression, MFErrorHandler e)
 Create an algebraic system of nonlinear equations from an expression in a string. This uses the ExpCmp utility which is pert of multifario.
MFImplicitMF MFIMFCreateAlgebraicSubroutine (int n, int k, void(*F)(int *, double *, int *, double *), void(*dF)(int *, double *, int *, double *), MFErrorHandler e)
 This constructor creates a nonlinear set of equations defined by the subroutine F.
MFImplicitMF MFIMFCreateAlgebraicSubroutineWithRadius (int n, int k, void(*F)(int *, double *, int *, double *), void(*dF)(int *, double *, int *, double *), double R, MFErrorHandler e)
 This constructor is exactly the same as calling MFIMFCreateAlgebraicSiubroutine and then MFIMFSetR.

Function Documentation

MFImplicitMF MFIMFCreateAlgebraicExpression char *  vars,
char *  expression,
MFErrorHandler  e

Create an algebraic system of nonlinear equations from an expression in a string. This uses the ExpCmp utility which is pert of multifario.

vars A string containing a list of the variables used in the expression. e.g. "[x,y,z]".
expression A string containing an expression for the function value in terms of the variables in the first argeument. e.g. "[sin(x),1+z*y]".
e A place to return errors.
An implicitly defined manifold.

MFImplicitMF MFIMFCreateAlgebraicExpressionWithRadius char *  vars,
char *  expression,
double  R,
MFErrorHandler  e

Create an algebraic system of nonlinear equations from an expression in a string. This uses the ExpCmp utility which is pert of multifario.

vars A string containing a list of the variables used in the expression. e.g. "[x,y,z]".
expression A string containing an expression for the function value in terms of the variables in the first argeument. e.g. "[sin(x),1+z*y]".
R The radius.
e A place to return errors.
An implicitly defined manifold.

MFImplicitMF MFIMFCreateAlgebraicSubroutine int  n,
int  k,
void(*)(int *, double *, int *, double *)  F,
void(*)(int *, double *, int *, double *)  dF,
MFErrorHandler  e

This constructor creates a nonlinear set of equations defined by the subroutine F.

n The embedding dimension (the dimension of the range of F).
k The dimension of the solution manifold (the dimension of the range of F is n+k).
F A subroutine that evaluates F.
dF A subroutine that evaluates dF/du.
e A place to return errors.
An implicitly defined manifold.

MFImplicitMF MFIMFCreateAlgebraicSubroutineWithRadius int  n,
int  k,
void(*)(int *, double *, int *, double *)  F,
void(*)(int *, double *, int *, double *)  dF,
double  R,
MFErrorHandler  e

This constructor is exactly the same as calling MFIMFCreateAlgebraicSiubroutine and then MFIMFSetR.

n The embedding dimension (the dimension of the range of F).
k The dimension of the solution manifold (the dimension of the range of F is n+k).
F A subroutine that evaluates F.
R The radius.
dF A subroutine that evaluates dF/du.
e A place to return errors.
An implicitly defined manifold.

Generated on Tue Jan 30 13:39:31 2007 for multifario by  doxygen 1.4.6